Download app software upgrades when available from either Google Play store or Apple Store.
Vscan Air CL Probe Software
After downloading an app software upgrade the Vscan Air CL probe software might need to be upgraded.
Follow the on-screen instructions when connecting the probe to the app to upgrade probe software.
NOTE: The system reverts to the previous active installation, if a power cycle happens before the probe software upgrade is completed.
Vscan Air Cl Probe Software Upgrade
1. Pair the Vscan Air CL probe to the app. If the probe software need to be updated it prompts for an upgrade ‘probe needs update’. Click on ‘start update’.
2. The probe update is in progress.
3. The probe update process takes around 3 to 5 mins.
4. When the probe update is complete the probe turns off. The user will need to start the probe whenever probe needs to be used again.
Disclaimer: The information herein is not intended to replace the product’s User Manual. Please consult the User Manual for comprehensive information and cautionary guidance about the product’s operation and use.