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Vscan Air ™
Solution home
Clinical FAQs
What does the ‘yellow’ symbol on the wireless connection quality indicator mean?
What are the frequency and depth ranges on the transducers? What is the shallowest depth on the linear transducer?
What do the arrows on B-mode and CF mode in the app indicate?
Display Devices FAQs
Is there a change in image resolution when using different mobile devices?
Are the mobile device batteries depleted more quickly while scanning?
Can the mobile device software be updated without impacting the performance of Vscan Air when mobile device manufacturers release software updates?
How will I be notified of app updates? Will I need to buy a new probe?
App and Display Devices FAQs
Can Vscan Air connect to monitors, PCs, other Windows based devices?
Is it possible to take screenshots with Vscan Air? (How can we minimize the risk of compromising sensitive patient data by way of screen-shots?)
Where are the images saved on the Vscan Air app?
How many display devices can I use with my Vscan Air probe?
How much hard drive space do the images take?
Probe FAQs
Does the Vscan Air probe heat up while scanning?
How long can I scan with Vscan Air?
Are probe covers available for use with Vscan Air?
Connectivity & Data Management FAQs
Can I scan without an Internet connection?
Do images delete automatically?
Is an Internet connection required for the registration process?
What are the data export options on the Vscan Air?
How can I manage multiple apps and probes at a hospital? (Mobile Device Manager, etc.)
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Privacy & Security FAQs
How secure is the stored patient information on a mobile device?
What happens when the lock/password on the mobile device is removed?
Can the use of private mobile devices be restricted in public institutions? (i.e. can a user be prevented from pairing a probe to their private phone without prior permission?)
System Care & Maintenance FAQs
How should I disinfect/clean my personal mobile device?
What cleaning/disinfection methods are compatible with Vscan Air?
Intended Use FAQs
Can Vscan Air be used in Ambulances and Air Ambulances like the Vscan Extend*?
The lifetime of battery is specified with “at least 500 charges”. What happens after 500 charges?
What function does the “grey button” on curved transducer side have?
Is there a way to back up data?
Does export to shared network folders work with Apple OS computers?
Digital Tools FAQs
Registration and Sign-in
General Digital Tools FAQs